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June Monthly Newsletter

It is one week into our summer break, we thought it’s a perfect time to recap our month of June. What an amazing fun filled, hardworking month we had at TDC in the month of June. We celebrated our successes, partied together, polished off routines, were working professionals at our recording session and so much more. We hope you are all enjoying some well-deserved time off and just in case you’re missing us here are our June Highlights…


June Highlights 2024

It was a busy month for us, for our pupils, staff and all our TDC family as well. We started the month off on a high coming off the buzz of our first rehearsal, held in May, classes were buzzing, filled with energy and so much excitement. This month has continued like this for us, lets recap on what we got up to.


  • We have been working extremely hard finishing off our routines, for those that weren’t already. Our two inter and senior hip-hop classes have been working especially hard, due to last minute changes of team members, the kids have worked extremely hard as a group to adapt their routines at the last minute while keeping a positive attitude, and we are super proud of how they are looking.

  • We celebrated lots of birthdays at classes this month, our teacher Jordyn celebrated her birthday with us at classes and at our annual awards night, we also said happy birthday to our senior Olivia M and our inters Skye and Lauren W. Happy birthday girls and to all our other June pupils of TDC. Thank you for celebrating with us.

  • We of course held our annual awards night on Saturday the 15th of June, what a blast we had as always with our amazing team, thank you again to all our friends families and supports for coming together and celebrating with us. Well done to all our talented winners this year. Click the link below to read more about our night and our 2024 winners.

  • We introduced our new timetable for our 2024/2025 term, which is due to start after our annual show, from September, we are so excited to get started with a new start, new classes, and welcome new pupils to our team. New term brings a lot of changes for our pupils from moving up age groups, changing teachers, adapting classes, we are so excited to see how this will continue to help our pupils grow and develop into beautiful dancers. Enrolment for the new term timetable will be August, keep your eyes peeled.

  • Lastly, as we approached our last few weeks of classes in June, we of course had some fun classes. We have done the hard work now, we wanted to use r last few classes to have fun with the kids, from playing games to giving out sweet treats, we had a ball, getting to know the kids even better and growing our love of dance class, we are missing you all so much already. Looking forward to welcoming everyone back for one last month of show prep and toping of our term with our best show yet.


Class of the month

We have already mentioned two of our standout classes in our Saturday Hiphop Inters and senior, whos routines have been under construction this month, we are extremely proud of how they have adapted. Both routines are themes towards two very successful pop icons, now their routines are finished, our next goal is to polish and embody the sass and performance of our idols for each number. Will they be Crazy in love or Toxic come show time?...


We would also like to highlight one of our Junior classes, our Tuesday Junior, tap ballet and jazz. At junior level we are learning remembering skills, beginner technique, and just staring to find our love for dance. We had a lot of newcomers in this class at the start of term, kids moving up from preschool and those just being introduced to dance. This class have been working very hard on building their teamwork and having fun dancing. At the start of the month our teacher Jordyn took some time off for a holiday, where the Tuesday Juniors were left to remember their routines all on their own, we are proud to say they smashed it. Not many junior classes would be able to remember 1 routine never mind 3 completely on their own. This group of girls have all came on massively from the beautiful technique shining through some of the older girls, like Ava Grace, to the kind caring nature of our younger girls. Well done to the dance captains Lacey, Nicola and Erin as well as our amazing Tuesday class helpers for their continued hard work.


Pupil spotlight

We highlighted lots of class superstars at this year’s awards night, but we have so many bright stars we can’t help but share some more stand outs for the month of June.


Rebecca Snape

This wee superstar has been shining in her routines. Her face lights up every time we press play on her tracks, she is improving every week and always pushing herself, especially with her confidence. Well done for your continued hard work and keep being a super role model and dance captain in class.


Lucy Davidson

Was one of our winners at our awards night 2024, well deserved. We just had to shine the light on her again as she finally builds the confidence to nail her back tuck. This girl never gives up. Well done, Lucy.


Ava Fisher

Our little sassy queen. This wee star has been shining in her hiphop class this month. She has grown massively in confidence from last year. This year she has even been given a small special section in her dance, which she is taking very seriously, she is a true professional. Keep growing and shining Ava.


Emilia Callan

It is a big challenge having your routines adapted late in the game. Emilia has shown her hard work and determination when she had her position completely changed in her hiphop routine. Taking corrections in her stride, she put her head down and got straight to work. We have to applaud this little star’s dedication and are completely proud of her especially in this routine.


We also had lots of superstars taking care of our team mascots Chico and Sparkles this month that we put the spotlight on in our socials, earlier this month.


Well done to these wee superstars!


Recording session

Sunday the 23rd of June, we welcomed Splash Productions back, this year to our studio, to record this years Musical Theatre Classes soundtracks for their performances in our annual show. We have been so busy wrapping up our classes and getting organized with our show and new timetable we haven’t had the time to celebrate what a successful day we had. As we expected our pupils were true professionals, singing their hearts our on their tracks and special features, and quietly supporting others on their tracks. Things we love to see. We definitely have some Broadway and pop starts in the making.

We are working on piecing together some snippets of the recording sessions into a video for our socials, so you can all be blown away like us, keep your eyes peeled for that, as we wait on getting the recordings back from splash to hear our songbirds on tape. We think you will all be impressed with what we have produced for the show this year.


Upcoming events

While we enjoy our holidays it’s important to look forward and be prepared, we hope you are all finding some time to practice this break in anticipation for the rest of our events this year. Here’s a reminder of what we have still to come. As always if your TDC pupil is looking for any tracks of videos of their routines to practice, please get in touch… without giving yourself to many spoilers of course!!

July Show rehearsal

Our July show rehearsal is just 2 weeks away…

Sunday the 21st of July.

Times as previous rehearsal, see below. Rehearsal will be held at our studio and attendance is extremely important however, we are aware that as it is the holidays, we may have other plans on this date. Please let us know if you haven’t already, if you are not able to attend this rehearsal.


Back to class

There was a slight change in our TDC calendar 2024 (see previous blogs) as we felt it only fair our Saturday classes get the same amount of rehearsal time as our other classes. We will now return to classes on...

Saturday the 3rd of August,

rather than from the Monday, allowing our Saturday classes to have 4 practices before our show. As we will be off the Saturday of our show. Let us know if you have any further queries on this, all august fees should now be paid. Thank you all for your understanding on this change.


Show time!

We are getting closer and closer to our annual show, its exciting. We hope you’re all as hyped as us as we think it might be the best one yet. The end of July will mark our 1-month countdown to show time.

August 31st and September 1st – TDC presents ‘Dancing through the Decades’

Plenty of time to keep practicing, work on our performance and get the glitter out ready to go, let’s make the last weeks count and make sure we all keep the fun and excitement up, buzzing for our big performance.

We are working on a list of do’s and don’t’s, what you need and all things to get us show ready. We want to know if you have any pressing questions to address to make sure we are all prepared. Hair, socks, times, tickets the lot… Ask away.

Show T-Shirts

To get us show hyped and remember all our hard work for 2024, we have introduced show t-shirts for our pupils this year. These can be worn as uniform and kept as show memorabilia. Get in touch to get yours ordered now.

- Limited edition - £15 per t-tshirt

- Sizes; 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-13 adult S, M, L,- All orders must be paid upfront, and placed before August 5th to have them ready before showtime. Bank details to purchase show T-shirts will be the same as for fees for August. Available now!


New Term

Our new term will start the day after show, starting our new classes, moving age groups for some of us and meeting our new pupils. Enrolment for our new term will be available from August 1st, we will be keeping you up to date with any information and reminders on our website and socials. Again, the new term with our new timetable will commence on Monday the 2nd of September.


Summer School

We have made the difficult decision to not run a summer school this year, due to a lack of interest and staff holidays. I hope you all understand and enjoy your holidays.


Thank you for reading this month’s Newsletter, we love sharing a little insight into classes and what we get up to. As always get in touch if you have any questions on anything TDC, upcoming events or the term ahead. We have been so proud of the pupil’s hard work and progress this month, just making us even more excited for our show… NEXT MONTH!! How exciting. Hope you all have the best summer off, and we will see you all at our July rehearsal in just a few weeks, and when we return in August!

The best is yet to come, let’s do this 123… TDC!

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Awww my lassie is buzzing thank you xxx

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